Effective marketing
Effective marketing
July 25, 2006
August 23, 2006
Effective marketing
Effective marketing
July 25, 2006
August 23, 2006
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Writing Expert Articles to gain customer trust

When you write articles or tip sheets that give people valuable advice, you start to build a relationship of trust.

Many people are fearful of giving away their trade secrets, and feel that by telling there customers how to do something, that they feel they could earn revenue from, they are losing out.

In my opinion this is flawed thinking. If your prospects don’t know that you are an expert, then why would they come to you and pay you fees for your expertise?

At 3R sales and Marketing, each month we publish articles, that truly help hundreds of individuals and companies, improve their real world knowledge of how to succeed in business through expert sales and marketing advice.

The reality is, when you tell somebody how to do something, like for example writing articles, they see the value in doing it, but often do not have the time to implement the suggestion.

This is when they might well turn to you for help. We for example offer a white paper service, where will help the customer write their white paper.

We would ask you to provide 7 – 11 bullet points about there offering that each include the following 3 elements.

  1. the feature,
  2. the benefit to the customer
  3. the pain the customer would have by not getting the benefit.

If you can actually quantify the benefit that is a huge bonus.

Most people struggle with putting this into words, what we will do is take these bullet points, and turn it into a valuable article which you can then do the following with

  • Use it as a press release
  • Publish it on to your website
  • make a flyer of it
  • syndicate it to websites that your customers read
  • use it in your monthly newsletter.

Hope that helped, talk to you again soon.

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