Stop trying to sell your products and be aware of what a customer really needs!
Stop trying to sell your products and be aware of what a customer really needs!
June 2, 2008
E-care: Get visitors stick with you
June 11, 2008
Stop trying to sell your products and be aware of what a customer really needs!
Stop trying to sell your products and be aware of what a customer really needs!
June 2, 2008
E-care: Get visitors stick with you
June 11, 2008
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To sell or not to sell?


What do you think?

Is this a real dilemma or just a rhetorical question?

Hopefully for the majority of you not for a second there has been a wavering doubt.

In fact all the business man should know that between these two alternatives just one is the correct answer.

But if you have no clue about which one to pick, don’t worry. I’ll give you a tip.

Try to imagine yourself in your customer’s shoes.

What would you prefer?

To buy a product/service from somebody that just seems to be interested in increasing his/her own revenues or would you instead purchase it from somebody that shows a real interest in your needs and wants?

The answer is obvious.

That’s why 3R Sales & Marketing is inviting you to participate in our 2 days seminar “Stop Selling!”, a sales training course during which you will learn how to stop carrying on the anachronistic and obsolete practice of selling!!

Thanks to 3R Sales & Marketing:
• you will learn how to create a win-win situation between you and your customers.
• You will increase your quotas far more effortlessly than ever before.
• And you are get more and more referrals, which means more and more business

Because to be able to rise your revenues, you have to give your customers what they really want, reach a higher degree of efficiency by understanding completely their needs and responding to them appropriately.

And this is exactly the purpose of the two-day sales seminar “Stop Selling!”.

Because If you keep on doing what you’ve always done, you just keep on getting what you’ve always got.

Change. For the better.

Choose 3R Sales & Marketing.

If you want to know more about it contact us now or subscribe to our free monthly Information Bulletin with sales and marketing articles.

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