Offering a garantee and keeping it!
October 26, 2005
Why are your customers buying from you?
November 9, 2005
Offering a garantee and keeping it!
October 26, 2005
Why are your customers buying from you?
November 9, 2005
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This is my last month


I hope you had a great week.

This is my last month at 3R so I hope that you enjoy this blog as much as possible in the weeks to come. 😉

This week (which was shorter because of bank holiday which I hope you all enjoyed well), I have been researching websites where we can post 3R articles so that publishers can use them. I have started to post articles.
Peter and I have also checked the online survey that I encouraged him to create (from a 900 pages educational book that he asked me to read) and it is really exciting to see the results. Thanks for all of you who took part in it!

This week, I offer this advice: Measure and Monitor you marketing results. Like my Scottish marketing teacher liked to say, marketing is all about results. What is your return on leads? Your return on sales? Your return on profit? Once you have the data, then you can better plan the future. How about changing your ad spending, from the local newspaper to online? Did you consider decreasing your price to generate more volume? You should always test and monitor your results in order to be more productive (even though it is full of numbers…).

See you in a week and all the best until then,

P.S.: the new 4 weeks show on Channel 4, called “Make Me A Million” at 10PM is a must watch! I saw the first episode yesterday night, and I loved it. Basically, it is a competition between 3 successful entrepreneurs to each mentor a team of 2 to great financial success. Entertaining to watch yet educational (from the advices given by the entrepreneurs to the mistakes made by the apprentices).

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