Are you sweating blood over your business without getting the results you want?
Are you sweating blood over your business without getting the results you want?
June 14, 2008
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
June 20, 2008
Are you sweating blood over your business without getting the results you want?
Are you sweating blood over your business without getting the results you want?
June 14, 2008
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
June 20, 2008
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The secret Advantages of article Distribution!

I am posting all lot in one time because I have been delayed due to my thesis, it takes me so long time but anyway I think it is usefull for both: You and me. I am learning things and letting you know what you still ignore in terms of E-marketing stuff! Today I am going to talk about the benefits of articles distribution thanks to 3r marketing services!

How such a simple activity could be a powerful marketing tool?You still wondering, so I am
going to give away the so called “secret”! Here are the three main benefits:

1.Excelent way of promoting your website and getting the right visitors

An effective way to introduce your website is through content distribution. Targeted visitors will arrive at your website when they click the links in your ebooks or resource box at the end of your articles. You stand to gain more website traffic through the ‘viral’ effect of content distribution.

2. Releasing content gives you an expert reputation

Writing quality articles, ebooks, white papers and reports will quickly establish you as an expert in your field. You will earn credibility if the content you have written provides solutions to people’s problems.

3.Increase link popularity

Another advantage of distributing free content is gathering inbound links. When people post your articles or distribute your ebooks on their website they are in essence providing one-way links to your website. If these one-way links originate from quality websites it will boost the pagerank of your web page. Writing and distributing quality articles or ebooks will increase your web page link

You can discover more tips by visiting 3r website

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