BackgrouGenesis Fine Arts – Marketing Case Studynd

Genesis Fine Arts, is a highly successful Irish company, that markets both nationally and internationally, it’s highly acclaimed hand crafted bronze collectibles. Their range is expanding to meet market requirements, and as well as their limited edition sculptures, they also sell Picture Frames, mirrors and exclusive lighting to accessorize today’s homes.


Due to this expansion, they needed to hire two sales staff and train in a sales manager, who would be able to take over management of the marketing and sales for them. In addition, it was important for them to put in place processes and procedures, whereby, they could track progress and performance.


It was important to have somebody in the position of sales and marketing manager who knew the company and was loyal. They problem was that the ideal person, had no formal training in sales & marketing. Bringing in an outsider was not an option they wished to pursue for this role. Adding to this, they needed some expertise, beyond what a recruitment consultant, who would be on a fee, would add, to get the right sales people for the roles.


By calling in 3R Sales & Marketing, they were able to successfully hire two excellent sales reps, to cover their range. In addition, they were able to transition, Joe Duncan, their former Production and Operations manager into the role of sales & marketing director. They now have a solid platform for growth, and will continue to thrive, both here and abroad.


Peter’s helpfulness and understanding in the all things related to sales and marketing, has given me the confidence, to manage this great team. I would highly recommend his services to any company, looking to benefit from his expertise.” – Joe Duncan, Sales & Marketing Director, Genesis Fine Arts.