Still looking for a marketing strategy that leads you to success?

Still looking for a marketing strategy that leads you to success?
I want higher rankings in Google
April 5, 2008
The importance of long term relationships
The importance of long term relationships
April 18, 2008
Still looking for a marketing strategy that leads you to success?
I want higher rankings in Google
April 5, 2008
The importance of long term relationships
The importance of long term relationships
April 18, 2008
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Still looking for a marketing strategy that leads you to success?

I was taught that to increase the profits of an enterprise huge advertising investments were needed; I was taught that it took (a long) time to see some results and notice an increase in sales; I was taught that the means of communicating the company offer to their clients could be count on one’s fingers.

Marketing Strategy that Leads You to Success?

I was taught all these theories without even been aware that this kind of “universal truth” weren’t that universal.

Size matters.

And probably for multinational companies which have to sell consumer goods and can afford gigantic budgets for their marketing campaign the appropriate way of getting into the consumer’s head is through expensive long term television and press campaigns. But this is not the only path that has to be followed to reach success.

During the first weeks at 3R Sales & Marketing I’ve learned that there are many different ways through which a company could increase its sales and consequently its profits, effective strategies that could make your business grow without spending a fortune.T

imes have changed and new technologies have completely disrupted the pattern of communication.

3R Sales & Marketing indeed developed a lead generation program called ADSPORT, a ordered whole that owes its strength to the combined use of its elements, seven different communication strategies (Advertising, Direct Mail, Speaking, Publishing, Online, Referral & Telephone) that point directly to the same result: increasing the leads of your business.

No matter what is your budget or your audience. 3R Sales & Marketing team have developed more than 200 methods through which each strategy can be carried out.

We help you choose the methods that are more suitable to your business. We teach you how to implement those methods in the more profitable way. We work with you to ensure that these leads then get converted into sales through our interim sales management programs, allowing you to save money and have quick responses.

Target your audience. And remember that you don’t need a marketing army to hit their minds. You just need to know how to reach them properly and effectively. 3R Sales & Marketing can teach you how to do this.

No armies. One shot one sale.

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