Getting Rich in Ireland
Getting Rich in Ireland
December 18, 2006
Advertising Saves Society
Advertising Saves Society
March 1, 2007
Getting Rich in Ireland
Getting Rich in Ireland
December 18, 2006
Advertising Saves Society
Advertising Saves Society
March 1, 2007
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Start Anew

Hello people,

Christmas is over, Valentine was here the last week and that is the time I am coming back to Ireland to continue writing this blog (apart from other million things!).

As I have already pointed out, my cooperation with 3R Sales and Marketing consultancy continues and from now on I am working as a Marketing Executive there. I want to share all the new things I will learn during the next several weeks/months/years (?) because I know there will be plenty of useful and inspiring information.

While I was away from Ireland, I was thinking about this blog and I decided to give it a certain structure, so that you will know what I am going to write in the next few months.

So here is my planned outline of the topics for the next period:

1. Adsport – how to…

  • Advertising
  • Direct Mail
  • Speaking
  • Publishing
  • Online
  • Refferal
  • Testimonials

2. 3R Success Framework in my eyes

  • Assessment Phase
  • Strategy Phase
  • Execution Phase
  • Monitoring Phase

3. Marketing as a Science – Formulas and Numbers

  • Effectiveness measures
  • Efficiency measures

These main topics I want to describe in more detail and to present my own views of the particular parts. That means that sometimes I will write about an individual topic from the outline more than once.

I want to publish a new post every Monday morning.

You know, sometimes certain problems can arise, to keep this plan precisely. However, I will do my best to hold the stated direction and to write as good quality content as I am just able to do. Furthermore, I will often add something about what we are currently working on in the company.

To make this blog more effective, I would welcome any advice or comments on my posts. In some cases, I may touch some debatable topics and mention just one opinion, so it would be great if you enriched my writings with your own views of the situation.

So that is all for now, enjoy your life and next week I am back again with something new for me and maybe also for you!


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