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SEO Tools Review – Which Ones Are Worth Paying for?

seo tools

When it comes to marketing, it is best to have a benchmark that determines you are and how your competitors are doing. This concept enables you to track your performance and put the right tools into action. And when it comes to SEO tools, it is imperative that you select a premium service that will get the job done right.

When looking for an SEO tools, deciding on which one to use can be daunting. To help you decide, here are a few comparisons with some of the leading SEO tools on the market and which ones are worth paying for.


Pros – an easy but efficient SEO tool that focuses on competitive analysis and keyword research. Although it does not have special tools like CMS or web hosting it does offer highly efficient recommendations for great keywords that are always updated.

Cons – this SEO tools lacks white label reports. Although you can do a report, it is obvious that the report is done SEMRush. For many SEO researchers, this can be quite disappointing. Another drawback to SEMRush is that some of the data is not exclusively accurate. This happens mostly with the analysis. For instance, the analysis might state that a certain website has 20,000 visitors per month but in actuality the website has 45,000 visitors per month.

Majestic SEO

Pros – an renowned SEO tool that delivers an amazing detailed analysis on links. It also allows comparisons to other sites. Other features available are anchor text analysis, back link and domain link counts, separate GOV and EDU links for easier analysis, exports reports to Excel and allows you to trend exterior links over time.

Cons – Not real user friendly and takes a while to get used to the interface. Requires an additional subscription payment if the analysis goes beyond the first 1,000 links.


Pros – A user friendly interface that offers great research and link management tools. Other features include comparisons to other sites through domain authority benchmarks, anchor texts and export reports to Excel for further analysis. There is also a great community that you can connect to who are also managing SEO programs.

Cons – has a limit on the number of keywords you can track for each campaign.

Raven Tools

Pros – integrates a huge number of 3rd parties so that you have accurate date for your research, reports and SEO management. The partners include Alexa, Bing Webmaster, Google AdWords,Google Webmaster Tools, Google Analytics, AWeber, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, WordPress, Youtube, MailChimp, Textbroker, Constant Contact, Klout, Scribe, Basecamp, Calais, Campaign Monitor, DataSift, emma, Majestic, Moz, Wufoo and Yslow. And to top it off, there are over 30 tools you can utilize. Some of the most popular are Keyword Ranking, Link Manager, Site Auditor, Backlink Explorer, Site Finder and Website Director. Moreover, an amazing Report Builder is available. It will even allow you to combine SEO, social and even email marketing data into an interactive and easy to understand report. As well, you have the ability to add your own or a client’s logo to the report plus the ability to customize colors and text.

Cons – although a great tool, the contact finder has a minor glitch. Sometimes it works great but on occasion the tool has difficulty in locating certain information such as a websites contact email, the owners name or other information. The Quality Analyzer and Design Analyzer Tools are really not that useful. These tools analyze inline styles, header tags and page download times. The tools work fine but the recommendations are minimal and of no real value.


Out of the 4 leading SEO Tools, we think Raven Tools is the most impressive. In fact, it is an outstanding efficient SEO marketing tool for both the novice and experienced. Not only are there numerous features and tools but there are unlimited accounts available with a very reasonable price.

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