Why you should SEO the images on your website and how to do it

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Why you should SEO the images on your website and how to do it

Why you should SEO the images on your website and how to do it

Why You Should Optimise Your Images For SEO
Have you ever done a Google image search and wondered why your images don’t show up? How many other people are doing that same search and clicking on one of your competitors images? And ending up at their website instead of yours. Optimising images for SEO is an easy thing to do and a great way to get more organic traffic to your site.

We are happy to help you do this. Email us at info@3r.ie for more details.

To learn more about how to SEO the images on your website please call us now on 019609023.

How to Optimise your Images

The Image

The first thing you need to do is to select the correct image. If it is possible, use original photography instead of stock photography. It is important to make sure that the image complements the surrounding text.

The next thing you need to do is save your image at the correct size. Long loading times which will cause search engines to penalize you. Save the image at the same size it is going to be displayed on your website. The best way to do this is use Adobe Photoshop Save for Web function. There are also online services that will optimize images for the web. There are also different file types that should be used in different circumstances. We can help you figure out the best file type and size for your images. Contact us at 555-5555.

The Code

Because search engines only look at the code and text of your website, they can’t see your images. You have to let the search engine know what your image is and why it is important to your message. You do this by naming your image correctly and using the alt tag in the code. Name your images naturally, using hyphens as the spaces between words. If you are the ABC Clothing Company and you have a picture of a purple shirt you call the Mary shirt, name the picture “abc-clothing-purple-mary-shirt.jpg”. The alt attribute is used to describe the picture using relevant keywords. Because the alt text is used by screen readers for visually impaired people, it should sound good when read aloud.

If you need help with the coding for your images or figuring out the best keywords, please email us at info@3r.ie.

Surrounding Content

Make sure that your images match the surrounding content. For example, you would not use a picture of a dog catching a frisbee when you are talking about computers. Just as it will not make sense to your readers, it will not make sense to the search engines. The images and the text need to flow together seamlessly, using captions where it makes sense.

Because many companies don’t do optimise their images for SEO, it is easy to get your images to rank well. And when people click on the image they can get to your website. It’s an easy win. You can get more organic traffic to your website for very little work. To find out how we can help you to optimise your images and your website to gain an advantage over your competition, call us at 555-5555.

To learn more about how to SEO the images on your website please call us now on 019609023.

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