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‘SEO Beyond YOAST’ Presentation in Dublin


You are welcome to join us at the ‘SEO Beyond YOAST’ Presentation in Dublin – see below more details.

Part 1: Presentation

You sit back with pride as your Shiny new WordPress site beams back at you. You email, text and phone all your friends to tell them about it. You even post it to all your social media accounts.

3 weeks later you look at the visitor stats and with a sinking heart, realise that after that initial surge of popularity (Your mates didn’t want to disappoint you), there’s no one new and you haven’t sold a single widget!

Then you hear about Yoast, the answer to all your problems (1 million downloads says it must be right). You get a small blip, but Google still doesn’t care as you languish on page 17, and those widgets are getting frightfully dusty sitting on your shelf.

Links, it’s all about links you read and after answering 5 ads to Bangladeshi link farms, you slide further down the rankings. You’ve just committed one of the 3 deadly sins of Black Hat SEO.

Those widgets you bought have eaten up all your cash, so you can’t afford to hire an SEO expert yet, so in despair, you head along to the meet-up, where this nice guy, he’s too busy to do it cheaply for you, shows you 5 things you can start to implement right away that will shift those first few widgets for you.

Do you think you’ll ever be able to afford these services in the future (PS he turns down 4 out of 5 potential clients because it doesn’t make financial sense for them!) – Well, the answer will be presented right in front of you. Using the ROI calculator he invented, everyone in the audience will be able to calculate for themselves, if it makes sense for them ever to hire an SEO expert.

Part 2: Expert’s Panel

After this presentation, a panel of WordPress experts will follow with Rodolfo Melogli (WooCommerce expert at businessbloomer.com), Colm Troy (WordPress theme developer at createandcode.com), and Simon Tomkins (WordPress designer at createandcode.com). They will answer any questions you might have about your WordPress site.


In this meetup, you’ll learn

• Is WordPress without SEO like a Shop in the middle of a Forest?

• Is an SEO Plugin, such as Yoast the answer to all your problems?

• How to Set SEO Titles in Just Two Steps

• The 3 Cardinal Sins of Black Hat SEO

• 5 SEO DIY Tips beyond Yoast

• If you had just 15 minutes to SEO a website, how would you spend them

• The Financial Case to Hiring an SEO expert – (Our Secret SEO ROI Calculator)


About the speaker


Peter Lawless is sales and marketing expert, coach, mentor, trainer, TV & Radio presenter and published author – experience in growing large and small companies, significant experience both nationally and internationally. Peter led a European division for IBM as well as growing start-ups to multi-million dollar companies. He’s also had a couple of failed start-ups under his belt too!

3R SEO & Marketing (www.3r.ie) is an Irish search engine optimisation company founded by Peter Lawless in 2004, a serial entrepreneur – since then 100’s of clients have enjoyed working with 3R as their chosen search engine optimisation company.


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