What role does the choice of the domain name play for search engines?

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What role does the choice of the domain name play for search engines?

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ID-10011736The importance in which the domain name of your website plays in search engines is far greater than one would expect. You must think of it in terms of naming a company where the impact it has on the customer’s memory is vital. The name must be catchy and memorable like any brand name but also convey value and authority to garner a wide reputation. Where your site ranks is of up-most importance when it comes to marketing your business so SEO is the biggest factor in all of this. There are one or two significant keywords that will match to the majority of Google search queries relating to your products and services. Selecting the right ones will determine the volume of hit rates your site receives. With this in mind here are some helpful steps to choosing a positive domain name:

  • Honesty – Choose one that represents what the site is all about; this will attract your target audience and ensure that your reputation begins as an honest one in the Google community.

  • Light hearted – You could try to add a bit of fun and entertainment into it i.e. puns and metaphors instead of obvious titles. This will particularly help out in social media circles in gaining more shares and likes.

  • Competitors – Always check rival site names in order to grasp the route they’ve taken and also to ensure you avoid any similarities in your own name that could cause confusion to your target audience.

  • Cost – As with many things in life sometimes the cost also determines the quality. If you are willing to spend more money on say a .com then you will receive a more fashionable domain name that is highly ranked on Google. There are free domains for sites but these will generate much less hit rates and be harder to transform into a reputable site.

  • Originality – This can be the hardest part as many of your original choices for domain names will be taken; an unfortunate result of the internet being the epicenter of society. Take time to make your decision, consult with others and do your research before selecting your name.

The domain name you are left with is the name users will recognize your site as for the rest of its existence so you want to make sure it resonates in their minds. As with any shop on the high street you want people to stop, look at the name, come inside and remember everything about the experience. This is no different when running a website where convincing users to click on your page is of upmost importance. Just remember that when it comes to spending money on a domain name you should not think of it as an unnecessary expense; the turnover of hits generated from this will suggest much differently.

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