Why does 3R stand for Success?
May 13, 2008Why Stop “Selling”
May 20, 2008Have you ever heard the expression “a product that sells by itself”? Of course. But can your company boast about having at least one of these profitable products? If the answer is no, don’t worry. Neither do most of your competitors. But you can still be competitive. And not one jot or tittle shall change in your products. How? There are many different ways to achieve this goal. But today I’d like to write about Sales Force selection. An experienced and talented salesperson could improve your sales significantly, broaden your clients network and give a brand new image to the goods that your company produces.Anyway not anybody could do this. You have to find the right person. 3R Sales & Marketing helps you in carrying out this difficult task! 3R Sales & Marketing enables you to get a job description that will attract star sales people and sales reps. 3R Sales & Marketing will teach you how to employ people with relevant skills, level of motivation and experience that match to your company’s culture. 3R Sales & Marketing will make you start using an excellent sales process and the latest CRM system, to ensure you model excellence in the sales team. Do you want to see your business grow? Do you want to witness an overwhelming increase in your sales? Choose 3R Sales & Marketing. The framework for your success.