Do you need to optimise your websites for speed?

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Do you need to optimise your websites for speed?

Do you need to optimise your websites for speed?

The Importance Of Optimising Your Website For Speed

Nowadays, having an online presence is essential to stay competitive. This is why most companies have their own websites. Many business owners even spend a lot on these websites, carefully conceptualising their design and content.

If you are planning to bring your business online, you should do the same. After all, the overall appearance of your website impacts user experience. However, you must know that the speed of your site is just as important as its design and content. Why? Below are some reasons why optimising your website for speed is important.

Better Search Engine Ranking

One of the most important reasons for you to improve your website speed is to get a good ranking on the search engine result page. Ranking high on the SERP increases your website or company’s visibility, thereby helping you reach more people who do not know you yet.

Definitely, there are other factors that affect a website’s search engine ranking. However, search engines like Google put a premium on site speed. This high importance given to page speed may be attributed to consumers clamouring for websites to load faster. Given this demand, Google, in turn, rolls out initiatives to encourage businesses to comply. It’s either you keep up or run the risk of becoming invisible on the Web.

Lower Bounce Rates

Bounce rate is defined as the percentage of visitors who enter a site and leave after a few seconds or after only viewing a single page. Based on statistics, pages which load in five seconds experience a 105% higher bounce rate than those which load in one second.

Whether your goal is to sell a product or to provide information, you cannot achieve this if visitors just stand in front of the door then leave after three seconds. You have to keep them on your page and prevent them from visiting your competitors. Therefore, you have to ensure that your page loads fast. What’s the acceptable website load time? It’s best to keep your page load time to at most three seconds.

Higher Visitor Count

As mentioned earlier, having good site speed means better search engine ranking. When you rank high, you become more visible. Consequently, website traffic goes up. When you have more visitors to your site, you have more potential customers, too. An increase in the number of potential customers means higher chances of converting the traffic to revenue.

Increase In Revenue

You put up a website to improve your revenue. However, this can’t happen, if you have poor website speed. Instead of earning, you’re going to lose money. How bad is the impact of a slow website to a company’s revenue? Well, for Amazon, if their page load slows down for a second, losses could reach billions. Certainly, this is not something you want to happen. So, optimise your website speed to increase your conversion and your revenue.

To simplify, optimising the speed of your website is like delivering fast and efficient service at your store. Rendering first-rate service is tantamount to better earnings. Hence, improve your website speed and fully reap the benefits of putting your business online.

To learn more about optimising your website for speed, call us at 019609023.

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