Photoshop: A Marketing Tool or Decadence of 21st Century?
June 29, 2009Business Turnaround Specialists in Ireland – Website Launch
July 29, 2009BNI is an organization which has a very interesting business conception.
It is about creating partnerships between companies which work in different sectors of business (Health Insurance, Life & Pension, Architects, Printing, Business Training and Coaching, Sales and Marketing Consultants, Carpenter, Photography, Accountants, Banking…).
“The BNI Trinity Chapter is run by a number of individuals who give up their time voluntarily to help the chapter grow, create more referrals and address any problems that may occur from time to time.”
The goal of BNI is to enable contacts sharing between member companies. Giving Referrals to a company can lead to developing and improving one’s business.
The long term results are:
• Increase Sales
• Develop Partnership
• Generate Profit
• Meet other companies and take advantage of their success and their knowledge
Each Thursday, companies join in BNI Trinity Chapter to discuss their business opportunities. There is a presentation of one of them during 10 minutes and a short presentation (1minute) of each member company. Although very business-like and structured, it’s still convivial while keeping professionalism as a priority.
If you want to know more about BNI and how it can help your business, visit a Business Networking Group.
Finally, if you are interested in other ways how you can develop your referral strategy, you should consider creating your Channel Partner Strategy.