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External SEO: Increase Your Online Revenue!

Many webmasters ignore the real potential of an external SEO, in fact they just think of changing the website content, keywords and run a google adwords campaign and that is it! What a shame because External SEO is just as important as Internal! Given that external SEO comes down to incoming linking, its objective is to attract web users and turn them to customers, so don’t miss the opportunity to increase your online revenues!

Here are some tips specially for you:

Incoming Links

Incoming links is probably one of the most important external factor. This is also known as “link popularity”. The quality and the quantity of links really matter in that case. The best thing is to get deep and contextual links. The notion “deep” here means that websites does not just link to the landing page of another website but to internal pages. Then “Contextual” means that one page of a website contains links from related ones and with surrounding texts that deal with the subject of this web page.

Good Content
This factor will have a real impact if a web page have a good “value-added” content that visitors are searching for. If a website have an interesting content, other webmasters will naturally link to this. Thereupon it will generate web traffic.

• Social Network Bookmarklets
It is very important to add in websites social networking bookmarklets such as Thus, in case a visitor really enjoys what he read on website he can “bookmark” it with one of other social networking sites. It will temporary boost the traffic to this website.

Blogs/forums Signatures and Leaving Comments
Most of webmasters ignore that simple factor. Indeed it has the advantageous situation of being free and easy to do. This method involves participating in forums and/or blogs (both is better) posting replies or comments. Regarding forums most of them allow to have a “signature” appended to the bottom of a post where a link to a website can be put in. Concerning blogs, when commenting on it, they often ask for names and website URL. When the comment is displayed, it will show the name with a link to the website mentioned. by leaving comments on other people’s blog or posting answer to forums, it will the web traffic to one website.

• Directory Submission
As the name of this method indicates, the main objective is to get listed in many directories. There are many of them, however they have to be select according to the business activity of the website owner.

• Link Exchanges
Finally the last very simple step: Exchange of text links between webmasters to create traffic.

If you follow these simple rules you will have concrete result in terms of web traffic for sure. 3R remains at your entire disposal for any queries or question, do not hesitate to contact us!

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