By operating on Common Ground, with their prospects, Marketing messages have the greatest impact

Don’t neglect your After Sales Service
June 2, 2006
Learn from other businesses’ mistakes!
Learn from other businesses’ mistakes!
June 16, 2006
Don’t neglect your After Sales Service
June 2, 2006
Learn from other businesses’ mistakes!
Learn from other businesses’ mistakes!
June 16, 2006
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By operating on Common Ground, with their prospects, Marketing messages have the greatest impact

All relationships start of based on the common ground the two entities inhabit.

Personal relationships start when two people meet. They normally find out what they have in common. Things like friends, pastimes, locations, work etc.

While these are being explored, the two people form opinions as to whether or they like each other.

The resulting relationship, whether is be causal friend or intimates is then built on the totality of what the two people share in common.

This is why slick chat up lines, rarely work in bars and night clubs, regardless of how attractive the stranger may seem.

Besides, it becomes very obvious, to the recipient of the shallow and dishonest small talk that there is only one thing on the other person’s mind, and that sure as heck is not a relationship!

The same is so true in Business.

Whether the communication is business to Consumer or Business to Business, there needs to be a clear establishment of common ground with the prospective customer.

The company that is able to find that common ground, need or desire, is always the one that the customer will part with their cash to.

Are you that company? Do you want to be that Company? Would you like to find out how to be that Company?

Would you like us to create the message that fosters the bond of common ground between you and your potential customers.

The message, that has many more prospects lining up to be customers, so that you can start to enjoy the life you envisaged when you started up your company.

Why not go and have a look at what has to offer, and sign up for the free sales and marketing assessment.

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