3R SEO Dublin

October 31, 2006
We Think Pictures

We Think Pictures

Hello, people! There is a long weekend behind us and with that probably lots of experiences, full of fun and relax. Moreover, the weather was also […]
October 27, 2006
Red As a Marketing Tool

Red As a Marketing Tool

Hello, people! Again website. That has been my work during the recent days and I still like it. Having been a bit busy this week, I […]
October 17, 2006


Today is my last day at 3R, so the last day of this blog as well! I really enjoyed my experience here and I must admit […]
October 10, 2006
What Do We Consume?

What Do We Consume?

Hello, people! This week I decided to focuse a bit on customers. You know it is very important to know those who (will) use your product […]
October 3, 2006
How To Plan Your Future

How To Plan Your Future

Hello, people! You may know, there are 3 types of companies: 1. Those who forecast. 2. Those who respond to the stimuli. 3. Those who wonder […]
September 28, 2006


Hello, people! This is my first web log and I will write it for all marketing fanatics such as me. Having just started my 3-month intership […]
August 23, 2006


Have a look on this graphic – it is quite explicit. I found it by reading my favorite French Business magazine Capital. It is so unbelievable […]
July 25, 2006
Effective marketing

Effective marketing

You can see marketing tactics in action everyday. Everytime you walk in the street, go shopping or travel, you are invaded by marketing. You see advertisings, […]