Writing Expert Articles to gain customer trust
August 5, 2006
September 28, 2006
Writing Expert Articles to gain customer trust
August 5, 2006
September 28, 2006
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Have a look on this graphic – it is quite explicit. I found it by reading my favorite French Business magazine Capital.


It is so unbelievable that the reach of the Google Blog Search tool is much higher than the New York Times website!!!

That made me think about how quickly consumer behaviors can change and the impact on companies which constantly have to adapt to their new preferences.

The press, a traditional and powerful media, is now threatened by e-marketing tools like blogging for example. Unlike traditional media that require lead time for publishing, blogs are frequently updated, often daily, online journals of opinions, information and links to interesting content online.

That is the main reasons why companies need to pay attention to blogging, which was not the case few years ago. That is also a tool to consider for keeping contact with stakeholders and talking about your company in a positive light.

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