October 17, 2006
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October 31, 2006
October 17, 2006
We Think Pictures
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Red As a Marketing Tool

Red As a Marketing Tool

Hello, people!
Red As a Marketing Tool
Again website. That has been my work during the recent days and I still like it. Having been a bit busy this week, I will be a bit shorter here. However, I don’t want to bother you describing how far we succeeded with the website – you will see the result soon. Instead, I would like to tell you something about marketing elements related to web site of a company.David (Peter’s partner) pointed out one interesting issue and that is the way how you can use red colour. You may have heard or read somewhere what are the psychological aspects of red: it is a bit agressive, motivating, pushing you to do something, passionate. This is not the exact characteristics, but I think it suffices to understanding what I want to explain.

If you do not have very shrill pages, e. g. grey, or black-and-white combination, the red can become a very powerful marketing tool. You can use it to the buttons you want people to click on or you can highlight the most important parts of your site. And it will work, you can be sure! Just check for example these two companies: or I can tell you they are very successful in what they do!

That is all for now, enjoy your life and next week I am back again with something new for me and maybe also for you!


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