Why Is Checking for Duplicate Content Part of an SEO Audit?
Why Is Checking for Duplicate Content Part of an SEO Audit?
August 15, 2020
SEO Agency Dublin - Are You Working with the Right One
SEO Agency Dublin – Are You Working with the Right One?
September 15, 2020
Why Is Checking for Duplicate Content Part of an SEO Audit?
Why Is Checking for Duplicate Content Part of an SEO Audit?
August 15, 2020
SEO Agency Dublin - Are You Working with the Right One
SEO Agency Dublin – Are You Working with the Right One?
September 15, 2020
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SEO Ireland – Why Should You Hire a Local Firm?

SEO Ireland - Why Should You Hire a Local Firm

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is an ever-evolving field. Changes in algorithms are happening regularly which is why it is critical to keep abreast of these developments.

Furthermore, SEO is a highly competitive area. Failure to employ the best practices and keep up with the changes can prevent your site from ranking high on search engine results pages (SERPs).

Suffice to say, successfully optimising your site for search engines is not possible with amateurs spearheading the endeavour. If you truly want results, this cannot be just another DIY project. You have to let expert SEO specialists do the task to ensure that you get more traffic and sales.

Nowadays, there is no shortage of professionals offering SEO services. These specialists are either based locally or abroad.

If you are looking for one, it is best to hire a reputable local company. Here are some of the reasons why this is an excellent choice:

Extensive Experience in Local SEO Strategy

Local businesses benefit a lot from optimising their site for local search results.

According to reports, 78% of local searches using mobile devices resulted in offline purchases. Furthermore, 50% of those who made local mobile searches visited the physical store within a day.

Clearly, optimising your site for local search, when done right, increases organisations’ chances of making a sale. It makes their company visible to online users who already intend to make a purchase.

When it comes to this strategy, local SEO firms usually have the advantage. They have personal knowledge about the target market – the demographics and general online behaviour of the people in your community.

They are also aware of local trends. This allows them to tweak their approach to suit current market conditions.

For example, most homeowners in Ireland schedule exterior painting projects during the summer. With this information, the firm knows that it has to focus on creating content about “exterior house painting in Dublin” before and during the summer season.

With their knowledge and understanding of the local market, these SEO specialists are able to craft strategies and campaigns which are more targeted and localised. This translates to improved visibility and increased traffic to your site.

Expertise in Local Keywords

Given their experience in the local SEO scene, you can expect the firm to know which keywords or slang terminologies are most commonly used in your community. Having a good grasp of local slang can give your campaigns a competitive edge.

But these local SEO experts do not just know which keywords would help you rank high. They are also aware of the kind of content that the community wants.

Remember, these days, SEO is no longer simply about matching which content contains the keyword in the user’s search query. The content needs to provide the most relevant answer for it to rank high on SERPs.

Basically, since they know the community, these SEO specialists can help you develop local content which not just meets search engine requirements but also matches the user’s intent.

Ease of Communication

Communication is an integral part of any successful business transaction. It is undeniable that communicating is easier today with the ubiquity of the Internet. However, there are still challenges which prevent service providers and clients from communicating effectively. One of them is the difference in time zone.

When you hire an SEO company that is based in another country or continent, it can be challenging to get things done quickly.

For one, you cannot talk to them during your business hours unless they have adjusted theirs to be in line with your schedule. This is problematic because you would have to wait several hours before you are able to relay or act on your concern.

You do not have to deal with these kinds of problems when you are working with local SEO specialists.

Communication is going to be quick and easy. Since you are located in the same time zone, you can expect prompt responses to your queries and concerns. You can also have the option of meeting them face-to-face which some people find more effective when discussing important matters.

Better Customer Service

Local firms are able to render a more personalised customer service to each of their clients. Big or international SEO companies are typically not able to do this because of their large clientele.

With a local company, you can expect high-quality service from start to finish. Since they have more time, they are going to give you more attention.

Moreover, they are focused on meeting your needs. As a business owner, you know that these small local SEO firms want to grow their clientele as well. Hence, you can count on them to have a client-centric approach because they are aware that providing top-notch service is critical for their business growth.

In conclusion, with local SEO specialists, you can be confident about meeting your local SEO goals. Furthermore, you can look forward to getting exceptional customer service.

Are you looking for an SEO firm in Dublin? 3r is the go-to company of local business for their SEO needs. Call us now on +353 (0) 89 466 2000 or +353 (0) 1 960 9023 or visit our website!

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