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WordPress Website – How to Get More Traffic

WordPress Website – How to Get More Traffic

WordPress is the most used Content Management System (CMS) in the world. Approximately, more than 50% of the world’s websites are using WordPress – this is roughly around 75 million blogs and sites. Moreover, around 38 million are using WordPress Hosting with at least 700 new WordPress sites being built daily.

Clearly, competition is more intense than ever. So you may be thinking, “How do I make my WordPress website better and how do I generate better traffic?” Listed below are some tips on how you can improve your WordPress site and ultimately get better traffic.

Fast Loading Time

At this day and age, having a fast loading time for your website is no longer optional, it is a requirement. Based on statistics generated in recent years, site visitors have become more and more impatient. If a page in your website takes 2 seconds to load, around 9% of your visitors will leave and go to another site. The bounce rate can go as high as 33% if it takes 7 seconds to load. As expected, as the loading time increases, so does the bounce rate.

Aside from this, when pages on your site load in 2 seconds or less, visitors are likely to visit 6 more pages on your site as compared to sites that take 8 seconds to load. As such, having fast loading time for your site is critical so new visitors would view more pages on your site.

Good Quality Content

Speed is one thing, quality is another. If the pages on your site load quickly but you have low quality content, any visitor would automatically leave and go to another site. The definition of good quality content varies depending on your target audience. Most would consider certain factors like the integrity of the information, relevance, accuracy, and visual presentation as key aspects in gauging quality.

Given that each site has its own target audience, the factors mentioned may not be relevant to some sites. As what many famous company owners say, “Quality is what the customer says it is.” This means that coming up with high quality content is about keeping your target audience in mind, specifically what they need and want. It is about being able to convey what benefits your customers would get from buying your product or getting your service.

Post New Content Regularly

It is imperative that you upload new content on a regular basis. This does not only improve the level of engagement of your visitors, but it also increases the relevance of your website. Posting new content regularly also helps SEO efforts, resulting in a better ranking in Search Engine Results Pages (SERP).

In order to come up with fresh content, you need to constantly keep yourself informed about the latest in your industry. More importantly, always be on the look out for stuff which your visitors or customers would find interesting, useful and relevant.

Meanwhile, when you have numerous content in mind, you can create them in advance and use the scheduled posting option in WordPress. When you do this, the content you uploaded can be published on a specific date of your choosing.

Utilise Internal Linking

Once you have a visitor who becomes engaged and starts viewing your site, your goal is to keep him there. The best way for you to do this is to use internal linking. In your content, if there are some topics which are related to your other pages, you should link it. Others make the mistake of putting links which lead the visitor outside their website. This is something you should avoid.

Internal linking positively affects the overall engagement of your visitors. Moreover, it also increases your page views and consequently, leads to better SERP rankings.

Get more traffic to your WordPress website. Call us at 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023 and talk to our professional website designers and SEO specialists.

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