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HTTP to HTTPS – Make the Move Now!

HTTP to HTTPS – Make the Move Now!

Last February, Google announced that starting July 2018 it will mark HTTP pages on Chrome browser as “not secure”. In 2017, Firefox started showing a grey lock with a red strike-through to warn users that they are visiting a non-HTTPS page.

Creating a secure browsing experience has been on top of Google’s agenda for years now. In fact, it has been encouraging webmasters to move from HTTP to HTTPS. To convince them to make the change, the search engine company announced in 2014 that pages on HTTPS would get a ranking boost.

The decision to display the “not secure” warning on HTTP websites on Chrome should no longer surprise webmasters. Since January 2017, Google has started displaying this warning for HTTP pages that gather sensitive information like credit card details and passwords. Then, in October 2017, the tech giant rolled out the same warning for users entering sensitive data on HTTP pages viewed in incognito mode.

So far, the plea for website owners to shift to HTTPS proved to be fruitful. Google reported that 81% of the top websites now migrated to HTTPS. Yet, more work needs to be done since around 50% of sites still utilise HTTP.

Why Should You Migrate Your Website from HTTP to HTTPS?

With the implementation of this project, it is in your best interest to move your website to HTTPS immediately. In fact, even without this announcement, having a secure website must be a priority because of the countless benefits it has to offer.

Given that HTTPS is already a ranking signal, choosing to keep your website on HTTP may be detrimental to your SEO efforts. Sure, there are other factors that may affect a website’s ranking on the SERPs. But HTTPS is definitely one of the signals that matter for the renowned search engine company. Otherwise, it would not have incentivised secure websites.

So, capitalise on this knowledge now.  If you want to boost your website’s SEO ranking, ask experts to help you switch to HTTPS.

Aside from ranking well on SERPs, being on HTTPS increases your credibility amongst online users and customers. Studies show that people are now more cautious when browsing or purchasing online. Aware that personal information can be compromised when using the Internet, many users now check for security indicators before sharing their details online.

According to studies, online users who see the green HTTPS lock sign on browsers feel more secure. Moreover, 9 out of 10 respondents say that they are more willing to make purchases or input their personal details (like credit card information) online when security indicators are displayed on the browser.

With a secure website, you do not just improve your brand credibility. You also increase your customer base and improve your revenue.

Lastly, migrating to HTTPS can protect your company and clients from security breaches. It is no secret that data leaks cost companies millions and result in reputational damage. Moreover, with the implementation of the GDPR in May 2018, data breaches can result in legal sanctions.

With their credibility eroded, compromised businesses struggle getting new customers and worst, lose even their most loyal clients. This is certainly a situation you do not want your business to be in. Suffice it to say, having a secure website is a non-negotiable, especially if you process customers’ personally identifiable information (PII) on a regular basis.

There is no denying that HTTPS is going to be the norm when it comes to online security. There is no escaping this change. Hence, you must migrate your website now for your business to reap the benefits early.

Moving your website to HTTPS? Let us help you make this happen. Call us at 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023.


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