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How To Build An Affordable Website

How To Build An Affordable Website

“A business without a website is like a man without a face.” This is why most big companies have websites. Even small and medium-sized enterprises are following suit with reports stating that 50% of SMEs now have online presence. Basically, having an online presence is an essential part of doing business these days. So, if your company doesn’t have a website yet, start building one now!

How do you build a good website? More importantly, how do you create one without breaking the bank? Read on to know the answers to these questions.

Think Of A Domain Name And Register It

The first thing that you need to do is to find a domain name for your website. Choose one that can easily be associated with your business. Think of it as your online brand; so, come up with a name that’s well-thought out. Be prepared for back up names, since there’s always a possibility that the domain name you like is already unavailable. There are online tools which can help you come up with alternative domains if your choices are already taken. If you have a name you really like but the .com extension is already taken, try other extensions like .net or .co.

Get Website and Email Hosting Services

After getting your domain name, the next step is to acquire website and email hosting services. Get a reliable hosting service provider to ensure that your site is always up and running. Make sure that you scout first before picking one and signing up with them. There are countless providers out there; as you’re just starting, look for one which is reliable but cheap.

Choose A Content Management Tool

WordPress is currently one the most recommended content management systems. It is easy to use, making it ideal for people like you who are creating their website for the first time. Most importantly, it has an extensive library of themes you can choose from. This means you can have a great-looking template for your website even if you have zero web design and development skills.

Customise Your Theme

Despite WordPress having a wide selection of themes, it is still possible that you don’t find one which perfectly matches what you want. The good thing is that these themes can be customised to your liking. Hence, you don’t really need to waste your time searching for the perfect theme. What you can do is select the one that’s closest to what you’re looking for and just tweak it later on. You can even enlist the help of professionals to make this happen.

Add Other Custom Features

Aside from the main web design and structure, there are other custom features that you can add to your website. Some of the examples are contact forms, gallery pages and blogs.

Contact forms are important because the lifeblood of businesses is sales. Hence, your website should enable your prospective clients to contact you, ask questions and leave their contact details. The gallery pages give your website visitors a sneak peek into your business. On these pages, you can show them samples of your products or events which may entice them to contact you. Lastly, blogs help in building customer relationship, improve your website ranking on search engines and drive traffic to your site.

There’s no doubt that, given the available resources online, you can build your own website without spending a lot. However, if your goal is for your site to improve your revenues, it’s not enough to just have a website; you need a website that sells. To make this happen, you need the help of professionals.

Talk to our experts to find out more about how you can build a great and an affordable website. Give us a call at 019609023!

Photo by medithIT How To Build An Affordable Website

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