How Important is Your Website’s Speed for Your SEO Rankings?

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How Important is Your Website’s Speed for Your SEO Rankings?

How Important is Your Website’s Speed for Your SEO Rankings?

We live in a world dedicated to speed. Things are constantly shifting and changing, and in this dynamic time, your website must be capable of handling large amounts of data with speed and precision. In 2010, Google’s algorithms began to factor in site speed to rank websites. Three years later, sites whose speeds weren’t up to snuff were penalized, and mobile sites whose speeds didn’t meet Google’s rapid pace would be demoted. Matt Cutts, head of Google’s Webspam team stated on his site that although Google places value on such things as “relevance, topicality, and reputation….a faster web was great for everyone.” Concerns about how this change would affect smaller, less visible businesses are not without warrant, as many businesses rely on Google’s rankings to draw in a demographic that might otherwise be unaware of their services and value. However, Google’s stance on a rapid web bears out with the statistics. According to many tech statistics, consumers often abandon a site that takes more than three seconds to load. This can be costly to a business that relies on constant traffic to develop relationships and deliver products. In fact, a New York Times article highlighted consumer impatience when it stated that load speeds up to 250 milliseconds are quickly becoming standard and that consumers are clamoring for acceleration. Even UK newspaper behemoths are getting in on the action by working with Google in creating a newer, faster system that loads news stories on phones much quicker than before. Consumers want fast and easy, and Google is demanding that businesses deliver. By cornering the market on both speed and SEO (search engine optimization) tactics, your business can attract a steady supply of new leads.

Don’t be left out in the cold by not evaluating your speed. Make sure your website is at the level needed to attract and retain your target audience. SEO is also the cornerstone of building a solid foundation for your business online and ensuring the best approach to SEO techniques and strategies is a necessity. Companies nowadays can no longer afford to ignore the importance of SEO and its use in marketing, and by utilizing this to their advantage can create long-term gains and shore up losses. A business’s most important asset in today’s market is its visibility, and having some form of guidance on how your company’s speed, SEO and the like may be affecting your bottom line is key. At 3R, we pride ourselves on helping businesses navigate the murky waters of Google’s ranking analytics, marketing, and SEO.
Companies we work with not only get more leads but sales. We employ a system that incorporates the best of Google’s SEO with time-tested and reliable Google Ads, WordPress Web Design and business growth strategies. Give us a call at 019.609.023 or you can also reach us at and we can get started on crafting your SEO and marketing needs. Don’t lose critical time by worrying about your ranking, let us get your business to where you want it to be.
To learn more about How Important is Your Website’s Speed for Your SEO Rankings please call us now on 019609023.

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