How to Get More Returning Visitors
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How to Get More Returning Visitors
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How to Track Your Website Performance

How to Track Your Website Performance

Hello People!

How to Track Your Website Performance

Maybe some of you know already that Google offers a great tool for measuring your website traffic success – Google Analytics. Go to, set up an account, add a special script to the web pages you want to track and start a great adventure of monitoring your website performance.

Google Analytics gives you handy reports on the following issues:

1. Content Analysis
2. Visitors Analysis
3. Traffic Sources
4. Goal Conversion

Among these tools you will find an answer to every question regarding your website performance. I would recommend that you create monthly reports in Excel spreadsheets, for example, which will enable you to compare the results over time. I suggest that you monitor especially these criteria:

  • Visits
  • Page Views
  • Pages/Visit
  • Avg. Time on Site
  • Bounce Rate
  • % New Visits
  • Goal Conversions

Hope this piece helps and wish you all see the nubmers grow!

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