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My website is ready. What should I do next?

Promote Your Website in Ireland

How to promote your website in Ireland.

Have you created an interesting, eye-catching website yet find that you’re not attracting enough visitors? Are you unable to identify exactly why you’re not able to get visitors to make purchases? In our 21st century world, online marketing has become an incredibly effective tool through which people can advertise their products.

However, adopting an attitude of simply “build it and they will come” will not work in this unique advertising sector. In order to ensure that your website becomes a magnet through which you can demonstrate the great value of your goods and services to prospective clients, you have to think and act strategically. Below you will find several strategies that you can employ to ensure that your website becomes capable of catching-and subsequently keeping-the attention of your target market.

1. Email Your Contacts.

This step will be very important in helping to generate interest in your website and the goods or services you offer. Unfortunately, however, many people opt to skip this step out of fear that the measure is too aggressive. But it isn’t. In fact, emails are simply a cost-effective, time-efficient way that you can provide others with information regarding how they can access goods and/or services that can improve the quality of their lives.

To ensure that you make the most of this strategy, be sure to send your informational e-mail to all of your contacts (both personal and professional.) The e-mail should be well-written and concise, informing receivers about your website in a fun, exciting way that will make them want to visit it. And make sure you’re providing them with information regarding why they should indeed visit it.

Here is an example of a simple email that could do the job:

Hi [Name],

Just thought you could be interested in checking out our new website [] – you will find our recent deals, competitions and new items all at one place!

Any feedback very welcome.

Thank you!

[Your signature]

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2. Develop Brand Ambassadors Through Email Inquiries.

This is yet another internet marketing strategy that you can utilise to attract attention to your website. With this strategy, you’ll email the individuals who are most likely to publish a link to your website on their own website. Next, you’ll ask them to do this on your behalf, providing them with a list of logical reasons demonstrating how helping you would benefit them. For example, you might offer them an opportunity to have links to their website appear on your own domain page in exchange for promoting your website on their own pages.

Here is an email template you could use:

Hi [Name],

I’m [Your Name], founder of [Your Company] with over [How many?] years experience in [Your Industry]. Since its inception, [Your Company] has become one of Ireland’s most successful [Your Industry] companies and I think you may be interested in our most recent project – [Mention here any achievements you have had so far.]

I noticed on [this page] you are currently linking to similar businesses who offer [Your Industry/Service/Products] via their websites, however, none of them allows customers to [What are you unique at?].

Would it be possible to include a link to [] which could make it easier for your customers and website visitors to [What does your website make easier for people]?

If you could let me know if you’re keen to learn more, I’d appreciate it.

Thanks a lot for your time.

[Your signature]

3. Use Social Media.

If you’re serious about drawing more attention to your website, using social media is a sure-fire strategy you can use to accomplish this objective. To make the most of this strategy, set up brand-boosting profiles and company pages on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. Be sure to update these pages consistently and ensure that the content you post is relevant and consistent with the brand image you’ve cultivated thus far. You should also ask your contacts to follow and like your pages to help generate curiosity from people in their social networks.

4. Setup Google My Business.

Google My Business is an incredibly effective platform through which you can advertise your website. With Google My Business, you’ll be able to connect with customers who may be looking for you on Search, Maps or Google+. To begin the process of setting up Google My Business, click here.

Contact 3R SEO Consultants Now: 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023

5. Submit Your Website To Directories & Local Citation Websites.

This is yet another effective internet marketing tool you can employ to help garner interest in your website. By including your website link in directories, people who conduct internet searches that are relevant to the goods and services you offer will be more likely to find you. Here are a few examples of directories you can submit your website to:

Contact 3R SEO Consultants Now: 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023

6. Include Your Website Address On All Marketing Material.

This step is important because it ensures that you are maximising your market by advertising in the online and offline sectors. Be sure that you’re listing your website url on everything-business cards, flyers, brochures, email signatures, and even your car.

7. Create Great Content & Guest Blog.

This step is incredibly important! As many internet marketing experts have stated, content is king in the world of online advertising. Thus if you want to ensure that your website is able to garner interest from members of your target market, be sure to make your content interesting, informative, and relevant. Also jump at the opportunity to do guest blogs on the domains of other people so you can get more exposure for your own website.

8. Keep Adding New Content.

One of the most effective ways to ensure that you gain new viewers and keep the old ones coming back is to continually update your content, products, images, videos, testimonials, case studies, and any other site element which viewers can see. This is important for many reasons, including the fact that humans tend to gravitate towards venues where something new and exciting is always happening. To make the most of this tip, be sure that you send out e-mails or create a newsletter that people can subscribe to in order to receive regular updates regarding new content that will soon appear or has recently been posted on your website.


Although creating a great website is the first step towards building your brand and earning a broad base of loyal customers, there are many other things that must be done to ensure that your website stands out against the sea of competitors currently populating the internet world. 3R specialises in systematically implementing proven internet marketing strategies that will help your company attract attention from members of its target market, and we’d love to start helping you now. If you’re ready to start ensuring that your website earns the online presence and power it deserves, give us a call now at 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023 and let’s start building your brand together!

[Image courtesy of]

Contact 3R SEO Consultants Now: 089 466 2000 or 01 960 9023

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