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Local SEO – 3 SEO Techniques to Build More Local Links

Local SEO – 3 SEO Techniques to Build More Local Links

If we decide to open up our own business the most suitable place to start is in the local community. There is no point in putting up our first shop in the middle of a desert where no one can see it. Reputation is everything so gaining the consumer respect from the ground up is advisable rather than leaping into the larger markets without any background. This can all be applied to the way in which we market our online website and specifically the way we build the links throughout the virtual world. There is much more to be said for starting with local link building; the opportunities are diverse and original as opposed to competitors, reception of higher quality inbound links and increased domain authority. In order to undertake this task of building more local links here are three SEO techniques to help you on your way.

  1. Give testimonials to local businesses that you use – i.e. your suppliers. This is a great way to gain a good level of respect and admiration from companies in your vicinity who are crying out for good reviews to increase their own reputations. It is a win/win if you actually use and enjoy their products/services but you can always offer up positive words regardless. Strike a deal with them to provide links to your site in exchange for glowing appraisals.

  1. Sponsor local charities/sports clubs etc. and ask for a link – This is another good idea which makes everyone involved a winner. By offering local organisations in need of financing some extra cash they will be happily obliged to offer links to your site through their own websites. It also creates a great reputation for you by showing you as a charitable person.

  1. Put together an irresistible offer for students of local schools – a scholarship, work experience opportunity, a free excursion to your company etc. All students in the latter stages of their education are looking to gain tome experience before entering the “real” world so creating something like a scholarship which needs to be applied for entitles you to gain extremely authoritative links throughout the community.

There you have it, three simple steps to creating good local links without needing to have a degree in computer science to achieve it. Give some of them a try and see how you get on, you will be surprised at how much of an improvement is achieved by such methods.

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