Combine Headings and Links Keywords
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Combine Headings and Links Keywords
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Combine Headings and Links Keywords

Combine Headings and Links Keywords

Combine Headings and Links Keywords

Hello People!

The story of building up a perfect web site continues. After creating a killer meta tags, your way is to concentrate on your headings and links. What words should you have there?

Headings & Links

Headings are a very important attention-grabbing essence of your landing page. People will not read your entire page. That’s why it is smart to divide your page into short paragraphs and to highlight each of them with a killer headline which will not only catch their attention, but also tell them in a second what the whole paragraph is about.For the SEO purposes, make sure that your headlines are marked < h1 >Headline#1 < / h1 >, <>Headline#2 < / h2 >etc. and that they are stuffed with your best keywords. Apart from the keywords, use words like “free, proven, benefit, first, discover, complete, exclusive, how to…” in order to gain people’s attention.

Another important part of a landing page are the links. As mentioned already, your links should not direct visitors to your home page or elsewhere other than the next step towards reaching your goal. What is also relevant, is the anchor text, i. e. the clickable text of the hyperlink – for the SEO purposes, stuff it with your keywords as well, don’t leave it just as “Click here to sign up”, but mention your product as well: “Click here to sign up for the Search Optimisation Workshop now”.

How to Combine Headings and Links Keywords

Here is an example if your landing page promotes a newsletter with free marketing, sales and leadership articles.Headings Keywords:

interesting articles
valuable articles
free articles

Links Keywords:

marketing articles
sales articles
leadership articles

This means a capture on the whole list of keyword searchphrases:interesting marketing articles
valuable marketing articles
free marketing articles
interesting sales articles
valuable sales articles
free sales articles
interesting leadership articles
valuable leadership articles
free leadership articles

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