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Tips for Writing Headlines for Content Strategy
August 21, 2013
Which SEO Company in the Post-Penguin Era?
5 Golden Rules of SEO after Penguin 2.0
September 10, 2013
writing headline - content online marketing
Tips for Writing Headlines for Content Strategy
August 21, 2013
Which SEO Company in the Post-Penguin Era?
5 Golden Rules of SEO after Penguin 2.0
September 10, 2013
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Which SEO Company in the Post-Penguin Era?

Which SEO Company in the Post-Penguin Era?

ID-10051890There has been a crackdown in the virtual world by Google to stamp out irrelevant webpages and clean up search results for users. Penguin is an algorithm developed to recognize substandard content which doubles as marketing for other websites. People need to be aware that the sites they click into will provide the solutions they are looking for. There is nothing more annoying than searching Google for a specific problem and having to wade through irrelevant pages of articles that have nothing to do with their headings and what they claim to offer. For this reason it is imperative that your content adds value to Google so seeking out a professional SEO company is a smart idea. However, with this comes consumer awareness in terms of what you should expect from them.

  1. Positive content/track record – As with any service you should always do your research prior to making any agreements. Every company will have an online reputation generated from past clients which enables you to judge how successful they are in creating unique, quality content that can improve your website traffic. When you talk to a representative of the company you should gauge how interested they are in your website or the information you provide. This allows you to see if they are purely financially motivated or genuinely want to help you.

  1. They do social marketing – The biggest online marketing tool for you content is through social media forms. It is vital, therefore, that the SEO experts you choose to work with are experienced in setting up and successfully implementing social marketing tools for your content. Platforms like Twitter and Facebook allow you not only to share your webpages with numerous online users but also interact with them as well in order to gain a positive reputation and increase your following.

  1. Appropriate link building – Expanding on the above points, generating links that are relevant to your content is a huge priority in today’s post-Penguin era. Social media is again a great tool for providing links and sourcing valid information which can then be used on your site. Google Penguin 2.0 identifies over-linkage of webpages, especially ones that are irrelevant to the title and proposed content within. Only linking what is necessary is a criterion that should be expected of your SEO professional contractor.


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