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SEO Beginners Guide for Irish Websites

Google has cracked down on SEO content as many of it can be seen as mindless advertising with no originality or effort put in. It is important that the content you aim to create is unique and relevant to the intended readers. You should be passionate about your website and not just posting endless incoherent articles purely for revenue purposes. Having said that, you obviously want to generate the most amount of page views possible so it is about finding a balance between the content’s marketability and the conventional quality. Once you have done this you want to find the best ways to promote it.

  1. Stay true to yourself – You know what counts as irrelevant dribble when writing an article or piece of content so always be honest with yourself, writing to the best of your ability even if the content seems uninteresting. This also means no spinning of texts and simple re-writing of other people’s works as this is unoriginal and frowned upon.

  1. Commitment – It always seems like a great idea to start up a website and begin promoting it but it can start to become a hassle and take up time which deters many people from continuing the work. It is important to write regularly about your company in order to gain a consistent audience base and increase page views.

  1. Mix-It-Up – Producing regular content is one thing but making it accessible to the reader and enjoyable to view is another thing. You should not be afraid to step outside your comfort zone in terms of creativity; make videos, podcasts, comedic pieces, incorporate current affairs…use anything you feel will make you stand out.

  1. Sharing your content – Nowadays the only place to share content is on social media platforms; Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Google+, etc. You can also post daily newsletters through this form along with the benefit of being able to interact with people at any time. Features such as share and like buttons allow you to gauge how well your content is being perceived and the extent of your fan base.

  1. Meta Tags on your Website – Every page of content should have its own unique SEO title and H1 heading which your website admin should enable, along with keywords which help people on Google to find your webpage. You should also tag any images or videos with specific keywords and information that will help the viewer understand what it’s about.

  1. Relevance – The title you give to your webpage should give the reader an insight into what the content underneath it will hold. This means that you should write relevant information that pertains to the initial impressions of the reader. If not, they will feel you are untrustworthy and a false advertiser.

  2. Never give up – At the end of the day, your content is about you and your website so you should not worry about anybody else. It will be a hard at the beginning as you need to gain your viewers and increase your Google ranking but this will happen over time, especially if you are producing unique, quality content you will have no problem receiving the recognition you deserve


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