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What Do We Consume?
October 10, 2006
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What Do We Consume?
What Do We Consume?
October 10, 2006
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How To Build Your Web Site + Ad Effectiveness

How To Build Your Web Site + Ad Effectiveness

Hello, people!How To Build Your Web Site + Ad Effectiveness
This week I worked much on our website – nothing interesting maybe for you but for me it was an amazing experience trying to settle all the problems concerning the layout and the overall design of the web site. You know, it is very important to check everything at least 100 times, so that when you publish it to the server, there are no mistakes any more.

However, what could be of your interest is the way how we made all the web site. You know, hiring an external company specialized in web design would be unbelievably expensive. That’s the main reason we decided to purchase just the template for the site. There are many companies which offer thousands of such templates on-line – you can just browse and choose the one that suits you the best.

So we chose one as well and we just fixed it a little – especially the colours and the fonts, as well as some layout elements. This was done using Macromedia Dreamweaver with help of which also a html non-professional is capable to update content and pictures. Anyway, some basic knowledge of few html tags is always handy and helps when trying to find the best solutions. Here I can advise you a very good learning tool: http://www.w3schools.com/. In short, you will find there on-line web building tutorials – all free, as well as a list of html tags including the ways they should be used.

But truly said, I am no web developer. That’s why I cannot miss here writing a bit into marketing again. Working at my diploma thesis, which is about accessing advertising effectiveness and efficiency, I have found an interesting issue – do you know how to distinguish between effectiveness and efficiency? Honestly, it took me some time to be able to define it properly. Finally I came to this conclusion:

Efficiency = doing the things „right“.
Effectiveness = doing the „right“ things.

Can you see the difference? Peter F. Drucker, the renowned management consultant, defines being effective as “getting results,” and getting results he defines as “getting the right things done.” On the other hand, if you are efficient, you just do the things right and if not being effective, you could do the wrong things, what could be just a waste of time.

Getting back to my thesis, assessing advertising efficiency is for me mainly about measuring its financial effects, while I would define assessing its effectiveness as measuring its communicational effects – whether people saw it, whether they liked it etc. You see, sometimes we know very good ad we like but we are not aware of the brand which is promoted. Then the ad campaign results drop down and despite being efficient, the campaign was ineffective.

Effectiveness is sometimes called performance as well. If you are more interested in this issue you can place some comment or ask me directly, I will be happy to have a discussion on this topic.

That is all for now, enjoy your life and next week I am back again with something new for me and maybe also for you!


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