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Customer surveys are powerful lead generators
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Turn Your Story into Website Traffic Boosting Tool!
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Customer surveys are powerful lead generators
Customer surveys are powerful lead generators
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Turn Your Story into Website Traffic Boosting Tool!
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Turn Your Story into Website Traffic Boosting Tool!

Turn Your Story into Website Traffic Boosting Tool!

Turn Your Story into Website Traffic Boosting Tool!

Do you feel you have gained so much experience in your business that you would be able to teach others? Is there any way to benefit from your stories and advice?

Become Known on the Internet

Publishing is somewhat similar to Speaking. If anything interesting or important happens in your company, do not hesitate and tell everyone about it immediately! The best way to do it (when we consider ‘low cost options’) is to create an article and to send it to various Internet portals all over the world. It will be published in many places and overwhelmingly, this is not considered an advertising tool, but an article or news among other interesting articles and news on an knowledgeable website or in an ezine, for example.

Therefore, you should adjust your style when writing for this purpose. Do not use catchy words of your typical adverts. This should be rather more serious however, try to make it as informative and enriching as possible.

9 Rules of Effective Online Publishing

  1. Always refer to your target group.
  2. Don’t speak about yourself all the time.
  3. Give valuable and relevant information.
  4. Keep it simple, stupid (KISS).
  5. Make it clear and easy to find relevant information.
  6. Use a call to action.
  7. We think pictures – make sure that you include them as well.
  8. Use correct fonts and always check for spelling and grammar.
  9. Make it trackable – and track it regularly. This will give you ideas on what to improve.

Generate More Traffic to your Website Offering a Valuable Content

In today world the role of the Internet is vital. Therefore it is crucial to create a traffic generating website, unless you are 100 % sure that your target market does not use the Internet at all. However, at any stage, the online presence makes you more recognised and respected and a website is a relatively cheap marketing tool with a long life span.

In order to attract your visitors’ attention and to keep them browsing for longer than 6 seconds, your website should contain the following:

  1. The right marketing messages and testimonials for each of your niches including your customer value proposition statement.
  2. 2-3 articles advising people within your particular niches in areas that you can give them professional advice.
  3. Interesting and updated news that matter to your target group.

In Minutes, Let the Whole World Read Your Story!

To submit an article means to publish it on a web site which is not yours. There are various portals which welcome any articles on different topics. As it could be a tough job to submit dozens of your articles to these numerous sites one by one, some of the portals also offer a service of automated article submission.

This is an easy and fast way to let the Internet audience know about your great masterpiece. However, it is not the main reason of the articles submission. The more important role of it is its contribution to your search engine optimisation, as at the end of each article you can insert your contact data, i. e. your URL.

Here I would like to share a few such portals which could be beneficial to your own publishing:

Start Your Own eZine with Passion

Although this may seem daunting at the first sight, starting your own eZine could be as beneficial as creating your website. In a nutshell, you offer your mailing list a set of rich-content articles giving information about your products, services or about your company itself. Accordingly, you will place this content on the ezine website which will in addition generate revenues from banner ads or affiliate programmes of your partners.

To succeed brilliantly, you should choose a specific market niche your ezine will be clearly designated for:

  1. Offer interesting and valuable content that will address your target audience.
  2. Think about the objectives of your articles – what do you want to tell people? What do you want them to think about? What actions do you want them to take having read your article?
  3. Create interesting headlines for your articles. Always check your grammar and spelling.
  4. For search engine optimisation purposes, use your keyword phrases and include your snippet containing a link to your website at the end of each article.

Following all these steps obediently, you will feel great about receiving emails with thanks and positive reviews from your potential customers, and, what is more, your website traffic will increase muchfold. At the end of the day, your revenues will mirror this development closely.
Make your eBook a Power Selling ToolAs the first advantage, compared to a classical “stone” book, an eBook is much easier to distribute. It will attract new people to your business and create awareness for yourself. Apart from that, it will create an image of you as an expert in your industry:

  1. You should have a sufficient knowledge in your area of business in order to write an ebook.
  2. The title of your ebook is very important. It could start “How to…” or the “Do’s” and “Don’ts’” in order to attract the attention of the readers.
  3. You don’t have to create 700 pages’ ebook. It could be even a small brochure.
  4. You can decide to do a series of short stories with an ongoing plot and continual marketing promotion.
  5. Create a nice cover for your ebook.
  6. Tell everyone about your ebook. Put in on your website and submit it to various ebook portals.

Teach About Your Products via eManuals with Sheer Elation

You can offer eManuals for free in order to generate more traffic to your website, or you can even sell them. Teaching your target group how to use your products effectively, will build rapport within your target group.
Don’t be afraid to present yourself as an expert on handling with software or other products and services you are offering:

  1. Find a product you are able to write about easily and you have a lot of experience with and sufficient knowledge about.
  2. Create your eManual – make it clear, easy to read and understand, make sure that you cover all relevant points.
  3. Publish the eManual on your website and submit it to as many various directories, portals and ezines relating to your business as possible.
  4. You can also include a link to your eManual in your email newsletter.
  5. Promote your eManual wherever possible.

Blog with Spectacular SuccessBlogs have become a popular source of information, advice and entertainment recently. Using them for marketing purposes, you can create awareness and build rapport with your online audience in an effective way. Moreover, submitting your blog to various blog directories will help your search engine optimisation. This tool is great especially if you target young people:

  1. Find a suitable blog site where you could set up your own blog. It is easy. Usually, a wide choice of various templates is available and you need just basic computer skills.
  2. Place a picture of yourself to your profile.
  3. Start blogging and publish regularly. Make your posts interesting.
  4. We think pictures – put at least one with every post you submit.
  5. Don’t be afraid to share secrets of your success with the readers. They love reading about successful people and they look for advice on how they could belong to them as well.
  6. Professional blogs nowadays are very personal.
  7. Manage your comments and be active – respond to people’s questions and make statements to their ideas.
  8. Tell everyone about your blog. Put a link to it on your website and submit it to various blog directories.

Publish Online to Improve Your Website Ranking

As determined by the number, quality and type of linked pages, most search engines don’t even consider web sites if there is not at least one or two links pointing to the web site. Links from other popular websites back to your website are one way of increasing your site’s popularity. Finding websites with similar content (but not your competitors’) and high link popularity, is one way of increasing your site popularity.As you can see, this is a continuous process which will cost you a lot of time and demand constant effort. That’s why knowing more about the issue could save you great deal of energy. Think about devoting a half day of your precious time to acquire considerable knowledge on search engine optimisation and the way to do it most effectively: combining it with your pay per click campaigns.

Many of our hugely successful customers find that 3R half day SEO Workshop can spring board them to success. In some cases the workshop combined with all your expertise is all that you need. In many cases our customers are happy to have regular meetings, to benchmark their progress and keep you on track to building a consistent system that works.

This article was written by Simona Antosikova from 3R Sales and

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