Create Marketing Messages with Power
October 13, 2008
Marketing Messages to Attract More Clients
Marketing Messages to Attract More Clients
October 15, 2008
Create Marketing Messages with Power
October 13, 2008
Marketing Messages to Attract More Clients
Marketing Messages to Attract More Clients
October 15, 2008
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12 Sure-Fire Steps to Online Conversions

internet marketing, internet marketing ireland, marketing, online marketing, online marketing ireland

Always dreamed about people buying from you 24/7 even when you sleep? Check out this to see what 12 steps will make this dream a reality – yes, if you put the right procedures in place, this is achievable!

Once you know your value proposition, it is essential that you create landing pages which communicate the value effectively. This is a crucial step to get conversions.

A conversion is when a customer buys your products or signs up for a newsletter or takes whatever action you would like him to take.

12 Steps to Conversions

1.         Keywords 

Use your keywords in the content of the web page. Keep in mind that for the target audience to find a site on the search engines, the page must contain keyword phrases that match the phrases the target audience is typing into search queries.

2.         Benefits

Not features are what really matter, but benefits will drive your visitors to buy from you – salivating for your products and they will like you if you tell them what specific value is in your offering.

3.         Call to Action

Once people land on your site, tell them exactly, what to do next – sign up for our newsletter now, click here, buy now…

4.         Contact Details

Updated and clear contact details are essential if you want people to contact you – common sense, isn’t it? What is more, if you are an online shop, this will add credibility to your website.

5.         Testimonials

The most effective way of guaranteeing good value to customers. People usually believe what others say about your company – yet they not always trust what you say about yourself.

6.         Updated Content 

To attract your first time visitors to come back and to keep coming back, you must always have what to offer: nobody will keep returning to see the same pages all the time. What you could add to your website to make it more interesting and updated?

7.         Good Navigation 

Get all of your web pages indexed by the search engines by implementing your sitemap. Your web pages should be no more than three clicks away from the home page. On every page you should link back to your home page and your main service(s) or product

8.         Good Design

Although you don’t need flashy and sophisticated widgets, stick to the basics: clear and simple, but nice.

9.         Ordering process 

Make sure that your ordering process is clear and secure. What do you have to change?

10.       Interaction with Visitors

If you want people to come more often, I would recommend that you involve them somehow in parts of your website: this could be an online discussion forum, blog, or just simple option to post a comment.

11.       Privacy Policy

This never-read item actually adds to your credibility an awfully lot – so make sure you have one…

12.       External Links

Last but not least, external links are an essential part of optimising your website for success – ask your partners, customers, friend etc. to link to you, submit articles to article portals etc.

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