Call to action: Secret key to improve your online results!

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Call to action: Secret key to improve your online results!

You are wondering why your website remains at low level of results, after having done a complete Search Engine Optimisation? Have you just though about stimulating visitors to “act” and not only to visit?that is the question and I got the answer, of course: you have just forgotten to add a “call to action” in your website!

“Call to action” is a concept not based on a academic or tecnical theories, but on pratical and down-to-earth approach so you should understand without any problem! This new “e-marketing tool” is focused on how we could improve the conversion rates consequently it has to deal with getting the visitors to the “thank you page”, that means in other words pushing any visitors like you and me to contact the website owner, amazing is not it?but still you have though about that!

As you may know this is a crucial concept because navigation is the biggest challenge website faces, and the objectif remain the same: how to get visitors click deeper and go further in your pages in order to reach the so holy called “thank you” page?I remember you again that the average time spent is 7 min so you have to really push them to click again and again with some “direct messages” in your front page like “call us now”, “contact us now” or “enjoy our amazing offert now” making it clickable and linked to the last page of course!

So now, you know that you have the secret power of influencing visitors behaviour, do not lose more time and “ACT” for “call to action”! remenber that 3r would be more than happy to help you improving your website and any other e-marketing stuff as google adwords or campaigns as well!

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