Your website does not generate enough traffic?You need a Web check!

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Your website does not generate enough traffic?You need a Web check!

Your website does not generate enough traffic?You need a Web check

Online marketing doctor

In order to increase the traffic and get more sales leads, you have decided to improve your website by getting great keywords through Google adwords hoping a high return on investment…However after having run your “Pay Per Click” google campaign you have not got the excepted results and you may feel very angry.

I can understand how frustrated you are after having worked really hard for nothing, but have you ever considered what is exactly the whole Search Engine Optimisation concept?I am sure not! creating traffic and getting more prospects is not only buying keywords and running google campaigns, you have to pay attention to everything: the structure of your website, the sitemap which is very important, how the information is organized on your website and most important what does your landing pages contain!

In fact the average time spent by a visitor is 7 seconds, so you have to be aware of that fact in order to create the most exiting content on your landing page, also do not forget to put someting called “call for action” like a “phone us now” “email us” in the same page. It sounds strange?Not really when you consider how long visitors will stay in your website…Think out of the box you will discover a new way of breaking your traffic records!

At 3R we can solve your traffic problem, just book now your free web check we will call you to create toghether an action plan so that we are sure to meet your needs! Contact us right now!

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