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Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
June 20, 2008
Marketing Consultant Intern – Rethink your marketing strategy!
July 1, 2008
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
Thank you 3R Sales & Marketing!
June 20, 2008
Marketing Consultant Intern – Rethink your marketing strategy!
July 1, 2008
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SEO: The Modern War Human Vs. Robots !

SEO: The Modern War Human Vs. Robots !

SEO: The Modern War Human Vs. Robots !

When you start looking for the great keywords for your SEO workshop, I am sure you would use first Wordtracker which would provide with you the best keywords according to statistics… but, is this logically correct? When you want to be among the first results in Google, you would do whatever Google likes to be the first, right? And it is logical, I understand… but there are some issues over there!

In fact Do not you just ignore what humans think? Maybe it is time to consider their need because it will not be Google or Wordtracker or Whatever which will finds you new prospects lead, negotiate with them and conclude sales! Of course it would help you a lot but try to think out of the box that is the new challenge!

If you focus too much your efforts on what I call “robots” you would go astray for sure because humans needs and habits are always changing you need to pay attention to that if you want to catch them all! just imagine google is happy with what you are doing in terms of SEO stuff but this does not match really humans
demand what would happen? NOTHING! oh yes google and other search engine website will applause you so much…and end of the story!

On the other hand if you try to leave these amazing and powerful E-marketing tools “the robots” in order to consider much more humans requirements you will lose again because you would target perfectly the customers you are looking for but they will not be able to reach you because your website will not appear in any of the search engine website!

Did you understand what I have just said?

There is no war at all, you have just to find a balance between both humans and robots and that will be perfect!

3R workshop will help you to find your path to success by providing you all you need in terms of SEO, keywords and many other stuffs

So do not hesitate to contact us right now

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