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Humans and Machines – Who Is in Control?

Computers against Humans?

A Creature versus the Creator – they soon became friends although one would not have imagined them changing the roles down the line. So what happened, why are we here asking who is in control? Shouldn’t this be absolutely clear?

The recent technology development has reached the massive rate of progress and it’s not about helping people anymore, sophisticated machines actually do the work for us.

Fortunately enough, from this point of view, we are still in the overall control – technology serves us, not vice-versa. Whether you look at high-performance computers, classy laptops and the whole online world from within, or at automated robots and other intuitive machines in manufacturing and assembly companies who work like our hands – not our brains, yet… – there still is a need to press the button or to click the mouse.

This is the point that makes us strong.

On the flipside, the power of technology multiplies our efforts muchfold, as it not only saves our time but also enables to perform operations, be it either mathematical or manual, that we otherwise would not be able to execute.

However, compared to the days when humans lived in closer connection to the nature without the comfort of having machines work for us, our life style has changed dramatically. Just to list a few things, stress would be in the first place. Everything speeds up and we must cope with that. Those who don’t, fail and this is the main reason why we could worry about the impact of the modernisation.

In this sense, we might see how people are somewhat inferior to technology. Because computers mean numbers and money is expressed in figures that won’t let you step out of the line, unless you give up and drive your attention elsewhere.

In the long run, we all got somewhat dependant on this way of thinking, idolising the value of technology and progress so that we sometimes miss the sense of human values like tolerance and helpfulness. This is what I think really matters and we shouldn’t allow chrome creatures rule our lives and relationships.

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